Black Forest Gateau Swiss Roll by @this_ruth_is_on_fire

167 calories/slice
8.4g carbs/slice

(8 slices)

6 Eggs
60g Almond Flour
45g Zùsto
3tbsp cocoa powder
1tsp Baking Powder
1tsp Xanthan Gum
1tsp Vanilla Extract

250g 5% Fage Yogurt
10g Zùsto
200g Frozen Cherries
1tsp Vanilla Extract

▪︎Separate eggs into 2 large bowls.
▪︎Whisk the whites until they hold a stiff peak.
▪︎Add 45g of Zùsto and 1tsp of vanilla extract into the yolks. Whisk until light in colour.
▪︎Into the yolk mixture sieve the remaining sponge ingredients. If your almond flour isn’t super fine you might not be able to sieve it all, don’t worry, just tip the courser stuff in. Mix with a spatula until well combined. It is a pretty dry mix, you can loosen with a drop of milk if needed.
▪︎Fold in the egg whites. First ⅓ can be vigorously mixed in to loosen the mix. You should be left with a mouse like mix that has no visible whites.
▪︎Pour batter onto a lined deep baking tray (mine is 25cm×32cm but you could use larger), smooth surface.
▪︎Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C fan for 15 mins.
▪︎Once baked let the sponge cool.
▪︎In a pan, add 10g of Zùsto and a splash of water to the cherries. Heat until the fruit has defrosted and a syrupy liquid has formed.
▪︎Mix the 2tsp of vanilla extract into the yogurt.
▪︎When the sponge is cool peel off the baking paper/silicone sheet and spread the yogurt evenly on top. Add the fruit, evenly distribute.
▪︎Tightly roll along the long edge, wrap in foil/baking paper, twisting the ends.
▪︎Leave in the fridge for as long as you can resist, overnight is ideal.
▪︎Slice into 8 (large) portions.