What is ZÙSTO ?
Zùsto is a new and unique high-quality sugar substitute, which can replace sugar on a 1/1 basis. Food products that are prepared with Zùsto produce the same sensation in the mouth, the same aromas and the same crunch. Not only that, but the taste experience is comparable to that of sugar.

Zùsto is a new, unique combination of various ingredients that are made from natural raw materials, including polydextrose, plant-based fiber from corn and soluble fiber from chicory, supplemented with sweeteners such as isomalt, erythritol, sucralose or steviol glycosides.

Zùsto has less than 100 kcal per 100 g. That is four times less than sugar. Zùsto also has a low glycemic index (GI) (less than 22; table sugar/sucrose has a GI of 70, glucose/dextrose/fructose a GI of 100) and contains no digestible carbohydrates. The glycemic index indicates how fast carbohydrates are converted into glucose from the intestinal tract and absorbed into the blood.

Anyone who wants to avoid products with added sugars, in particular diabetics and people who want to lose weight, can incorporate Zùsto into their diet.

We work with taste, the taste experience. With “gustus” (Latin) or “gusto” (Esperanto). Also with the English “gusto”, which means something like “individual, refined taste”. We have also been working on the “sweet” taste for many years.

“Zusto” merges the “z” from the Dutch “zoet” [sweet] with the word “gusto”. To promote brand recognition and memorability, we added an accent to the “u”: Zùsto. Short and to the point. 5 letters, 2 syllables. Easy to remember. Commercially strong A name with a history and a future.


how is it different from other sugar substitutes ?

The main difference is that Zùsto keeps the taste and the structure of the prepared product the same as if you had used sugar. It’s much lower in calories as well.

Why not use stevia
For the simple reason that the use of steviol glycosides (stevia is the name of the plant) in sugar substitutes has not been approved for all applications in Europe.

A Zùsto variant with steviol glycosides is available for certain industrial applications, however.

What is the composition of ZÙSTO ?
Zùsto is a new, unique combination of various ingredients that are made from natural raw materials, including polydextrose, plant-based fiber from corn and soluble fiber from chicory, supplemented with sweeteners such as isomalt, erythritol, sucralose or steviol glycosides.


Top tips when baking with Zusto

Zusto does not love butter! Try to avoid mixing Zusto directly with butter. If you mix butter and Zusto together lumps will form (due to the fibres and the water in the butter). Add Zusto to other ingredients (as eggs or mix in the flour) before adding the butter.

When replacing Sugar with Zusto, it is recommended to reduce the butter content by up to 25-30%, to make the sponge airy and fresh.

It may also be of interest to reduce the baking time by approx. 5 mins or reduce the temperature by 5° in order to have 100% identical product when using your existing recipe.

Zusto can be caramelised. To make the perfect caramel sauce without sugar, boil a small amount of water and gradually add Zusto when stirring. Zusto will start to caramelise. Then you can add coffee, cream etc, depending on your recipe.

We recommend after opening a bag of Zusto to store in an airtight container to avoid the possibility of it going lumpy. This however, will not affect the quality.

What are some of the things I can do with ZÙSTO ?
Zùsto can be used in almost all cases where the recipe calls for sugar
Can I still use my old recipes ?
Absolutely. Zùsto replaces sugar at a 1-to-1 ratio, so you don’t need to make any adjustments to your recipes. If your recipe says 100 grams of sugar, just substitute 100 grams of Zùsto. It’s as simple as that!


Can I use ZÙSTO to create a crispy layer on top of my crème brûlée ?
Yes, it is perfect for that, too. Prepare the crème brûlée according to the classic recipe, sprinkle each dish with a thin layer of Zùsto and caramelize it with a torch or briefly place the dishes under a hot grill.
Whipped cream and ZÙSTO, is that such a good idea?
That is an excellent idea. Using Zùsto instead of sugar actually results in fuller, firmer, more stable whipped cream.
Won't ZÙSTO mask the taste of the fruit in homemade jam and jelly?
On the contrary, Zùsto enhances both the taste and the smell of the fruit.
How can i make jam with Zùsto?

In order to make jams with Zùsto, add Zùsto to the fruit gradually, and let it reduce. The Zùsto will dissolve nicely and thicken by boiling.

To enhance the binding of the jam, pectin needs to be added. The amount will depend on the type of fruit (one type naturally contains more pectin than the other) and the ripeness of the fruit (the riper the fruit, the less pectin it contains).

If the fruit you use contains a lot of water (for example, red berries keep a lot of moisture) then you should add some pectin. This, in combination with keeping it closed in a cool environment will allow you to safely store the jam for at least a year.



How does ZÙSTO affect my health?
Zùsto is a source of healthy fiber. It has a low glycemic index and is low in calories, and it is easy to incorporate into your diet if you want to avoid or reduce added sugars.
I have diabetes can I use ZÙSTO ?
Zùsto can be incorporated into the diet of people who want to avoid products with added sugars, either because they have diabetes or because they want to lose weight.


I am a bit overweight and I want to do something about it. Do I have to stay away from all sweets?
No, you don’t have to, but eating less sugar is a good start. All scientists agree: we eat too much sugar, which has resulted in a dramatic increase in diseases of affluence such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Zùsto is ideal if you want to avoid products with added sugars.
Can my children use ZÙSTO as well?
Zùsto can be used by anyone, including children. Do make sure that they are consuming enough calories and that their main diet consists of a healthy variety of foods.
Does ZÙSTO contain gluten?
No, Zùsto is completely gluten-free and is therefore suitable for people who are on a gluten-free diet.
I read that ZÙSTO contains dietary fiber, but what type of fiber are we talking about?

Fibre, including fiber from corn and chicory, are the main components of Zùsto. They provide the sweet taste and structure, and they are a source of food for good bacteria.

does ZÙSTO spike insulin?

No, as Zùsto has a low glycemic index of 22. As a result, the pancreas does not increase blood sugar levels. 



How did DelRey start using ZÙSTO?
Bernard Proot from bakery DelRey in Antwerp was regularly asked by customers whether he had any products without added sugars. Since this was a niche market for which no satisfactory solution existed yet – existing products with sugar substitutes had too many drawbacks, especially with regard to taste and structure – Bernard Proot started looking for other options. Zùsto’s claims appealed to him, and he started experimenting extensively. He was completely persuaded by the results.
Why is a master pastry chef so enthusiastic about the product?
Because there is no need to adjust existing recipes: Zùsto replaces sugar on a 1/1 basis. It also enables him to meet the needs of customers who want to reduce their sugar intake, by offering products that contain little to no added sugar without sacrificing taste and structure.